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Index   Page Last Updated: 19 Jul 2024

W.A.B. Contest Reminder

Entries for the W.A.B. DX Contest should be with the Contest Manager by Wednesday 11th September 2024.

W.A.B. Contest Reminder

The W.A.B. 144 MHz QRO Contest takes place on Sunday 8th September 2024.

See the Contest page for details.



Welcome to the Worked All Britain web site. We hope you find the site useful and easy to use.

Please click on a heading to the left, or across the top, to proceed. Menu items ending '>>' will expand/contract when you click on them.

DEFINITION OF A WORKED ALL BRITAIN SQUARE: The W.A.B. Square is the 10Km small square and the Country, e.g. “SP87 England”, “NN90 Scotland” etc. (see Definitions page)


  • All official W.A.B. correspondence must go via the Honorary Secretary. For contact details, please see the Committee Page.
  • The published W.A.B. Net Frequencies do not 'belong' to W.A.B. - If a frequency is not in use, then anyone can use them.
  • QSL Cards are not required to claim any W.A.B. Awards. However, if a report on a QSO is received from an SWL by any means (e-mail, QSL Card, eQSL etc.), any Book Numbers they have may be claimed by the station receiving the report.
  • The W.A.B. Callsigns (G4WAB, G7WAB & G3ABG) are available for W.A.B. members to use (for a specified limited period of time). Please see the W.A.B. Club Callsigns page for conditions and how to apply.
  • If you don't have a bank account or access to PayPal or a credit card, don't forget that Postal Orders can still be purchased and used for Books & Award Claims


(The following has been collated from various comments received - good and bad. They are not aimed at any particular station(s), and will hopefully assist in easing the smooth running of nets)

  1. All nets are controlled by one station acting as Net Controller, who may occasionally appoint backup controllers. Note the one station as net controller. The system of appointing a backup has been shown to work to good effect. Chipping in to "Help" often does not.
  2. Only call into the net when the controller asks for check-ins. Unfortunately, experienced WABers sometimes call in during a run-down. This is not really a good example for the newcomer to follow. On very busy nets, check-ins should be asked for once. It is very frustrating if you are a mobile waiting to be picked up if check-ins are asked for three or four times for the previous mobile.
  3. Ensure that you are netted on to the net controller's frequency. This is very important at all times.
  4. Do not give your W.A.B. information when you work a mobile that is being run down the net. The mobile will want to move on to the next square as soon as possible.
  5. Always repeat back the report given to you by the station you are working. This is a check that you have received your report correctly. Signal reports cannot be relayed but other information can. This applies to all W.A.B. activity. There have been occasions when this has not happened. It is more often than not the casual visitor or the newcomer to the net. It doesn't take lot to point this out tactfully and it only needs to be done once. Please don't guess at reports, it is not a valid QSO. Please do not ask the net controller if a report was correct, for example "Was that a 5 & 7?". You should QSL a report, the net controller will tell you whether you have it correct or not. If you are given a report back that is identical to the one you sent, for example "You are also 3 & 3" please do not reply, "QSL the also". This does not acknowledge the actual report, given.
  6. The report has no minimum acceptable value. However, signals can never be zero.
  7. Always make a list of stations in the net so you know which station to pass transmission to, after working the station that is being run down the net. This is very important for a good flowing run down. Once the run down is started, there should be no need for it to come back to net control, unless it's due to poor propagation between adjacent net members. This can sometimes be rectified by a slight re-ordering of the list.
  8. Do not take offence if the controller misses you out in error. Mistakes do happen and remember you could take over net control.
  9. Never break in while a mobile is being run down the net. The controller will ask for check-ins at the end of the list. See the comment point 2 above.
  10. Mobiles take preference over fixed stations, especially those that have given prior notice of the intended activity. Mobile stations often have a schedule and should not be delayed. Portable stations also take preference over fixed stations. There may be occasions where a portable station should take priority over a mobile due to their physical working conditions. Such circumstances may be due to weather, tides, battery power, limited time availability etc. Which station takes priority is the decision of the net controller, having given due consideration to the circumstances.
  11. Do not ask a mobile about the square. The net controller will give the square at the beginning and end of the list.
  12. Each net member is allowed two attempts at exchanging reports with the station being run down. If this proves unsuccessful, the station will be allowed a further attempt at the end of the list. Signal reports must be received without assistance. Assistance includes on the air QSPs, relays by any other means (e.g. phone, email, texts etc.), and the use of repeaters, satellites, remote SDR receivers and remote station operation. It is quite important to stick to this on a busy net with several mobiles. Often a mobile has to get somewhere, sometimes for business, sometimes for pleasure. They don't want to wait around. The net controller may use their discretion to allow further attempts on a less busy net, if it is OK with the mobile. Please remember that the more attempts that are allowed, the more likely it is that the report will be obtained by chance.
  13. When there is a gap in mobile activity, the controller will pass down the list to allow members to make calls with other net members. Two calls are generally allowed. If you do not wish to make a call always give your W.A.B. information for the benefit of any S.W.L.s who may be listening.
  14. Never waste time with idle chat unless all the other net members have worked the stations they wish to call. This often happens at the start of a time-limited award. Everyone will want to work everyone else and this should take precedence over chat. There will be plenty of days to come when the net controller will be grateful for a bit of waffle to hold the frequency.
  15. When poor band conditions make things difficult on a W.A.B. Net, please try to keep calm on air and have patience with all stations. The Net Controller may not be able to hear mobiles or other stations on the net very well. Please do not break in to say that a contact was Valid or Not Valid. At the end of a run down, let the Net Controller know that you may have better copy on stations and ask if they would like you to act as a backup Net Controller.
  16. Remember that above all W.A.B. is a hobby designed to give enjoyment to all. Be prepared to do a spell of net control, log for mobiles and use your local knowledge to navigate mobiles.

(See the W.A.B. Nets page for further details, and the Guidelines for W.A.B. Net Controllers)

Bob Coombes G3ZNH silent key
We have just learned that Bob Coombes G3ZNH has gone silent key. Bob was a former W.A.B. President between 1976 and 1977. We would like to express our condolences to his wife Sue, his family and friends.

Updated A5 size Emerald Anniversary W.A.B. Books

To try to be more environmentally friendly, we have introduced an A5 sized Series 7 Emerald Anniversary W.A.B. Book. These can be produced 'in-house' which avoids holding large stocks of Books. We have also restocked with new USB Keys.

Committee changes from 2024 W.A.B. A.G.M.
Kevin Hale G0AKH takes over from Paul Lewis M1AIB as W.A.B. President.
Paul M1AIB (assisted by Sharon Lewis 2E0SHZ) will caretake the role of Newsletter Editor until the next issue, after which he will reevaluate the position.
Judith Brooks G4IAQ takes over as Secretary from Paul M1AIB, and remains as Publicity Officer, assisted by Sharon 2E0SHZ.
Tony Beardsley G3XKT will remain as Contest Manager in an Acting capacity until the end of the year, in the hope that someone will take over as Contest Manager.
We welcome Philip Hosey MI0MSO (who is also R.S.G.B. Special Interest Groups Manager) to the committee in a personal capacity (not part of his SIG Manager role).
Graham Cowan G7LMF has stood down from committee.

See the Committee page for full details.

Contest Rule change voted in at 2024 W.A.B. A.G.M.
After a suggestion from Steve Richards G4HPE regarding points scoring for W.A.B. Contests, the following proposal was voted on and passed:
That if a WAB square is not received at the time of the contact but the contact is otherwise complete, it will count for 5 points but the multiplier is set to zero.
The date for this change is 10 June 2024.

W.A.B. are pleased to announce that we are able to make a further £2500 of donations this year as follows:

  • £500 to R.A.I.B.C.
  • £500 to a charity of our Auditor's choice
  • £500 to Mind (The National Association for Mental Health)
  • £500 to Leukaemia Research UK
  • £500 to the Salvation Army

Updated Excel template (16 Feb 2024) for use of W.A.B. Club Callsigns (if you are unable to supply in ADIF format) - see the WAB Club Callsigns page

A problem has been identified with totalling of Large Squares and Special Squares in the version 1.1 Emerald Award trackers. Download version 1.3 trackers from the Emerald Anniversary Award page. Version 1.3 trackers have also been expanded to allow for 150 Members worked each month (previous trackers only allowed for 100) - if you are unlikely to reach 100 Members in a month, version 1.2 trackers will suffice. If you already have a lot of entries in your existing Emerald Award tracker, Kevin Hale can transfer your data to a new tracker. ZIP your existing tracker and email it to


The President's Trophy (for Single Operator Stations)

  • Winner: G0FVH David Dolling (40 points)
  • Second: 2E0FEH Karl Kruger (30 points)
  • Third: M0BKV Damian Kamm (24 points)

The Keith Robson Memorial Trophy (for Club & Multi-Operator Stations)

  • Winner: G3FYQ Pontefract & District ARS (46 points)
  • Second: G4HEU Paul Stott & Steve Harris (20 points)

The G3ABG trophy for mobile stations in all contests

  • Not awarded (no station entered more than one contest)

LF Contest Cumulative Trophy (for Fixed/Portable UK Single Operator Stations)

  • Winner: G0GWY Geoff Birch (16 points)
  • Second: 2E0FEH Karl Kruger (12 points)

LF Contest Cumulative Trophy (for Mobile UK Stations)

  • Not awarded (no station entered more than one contest)

Other Contest Trophies (Not Cumulative):
Norman Marshall Trophy (50MHz Contest Leading Single Operator) - G0FVH David Dolling
Len Harvey Trophy (160m Contest Leading Club) - G3FYQ Pontefract & District ARS
2m QRO Contest Trophy (Leading Single Operator) - G0BIX Trevor Dancey
2m QRP Contest Trophy (Leading Single Operator) - G0FVH David Dolling

These trophies will all be presented at the next W.A.B. A.G.M.

Whilst QSL cards are not required for any W.A.B. awards, the QSL manager issues a reminder (for UK stations) that if you do have envelopes lodged with your QSL Bureau sub-manager, they must have the new barcoded Royal Mail stamps on them. Please check with your sub-manager if you are not sure.

Due to increasing printing and postage costs, it has been reluctantly decided that the W.A.B. Newsletter will now be exclusively available via email at £3-00 for 4 issues. Those people with existing printed version subscriptions will have their subscription extended to the equivalent number of email issues. Please contact the Newsletter Editor (see the Committee page), or subscribe using the appropriate price list (blue buttons near the top of this page)

We have recently been sent some images of Worked All Britain founder John Morris G3ABG by kind permission of Ken Johansson SM4EMO. See the G3ABG Photo Archive page

The callsign of Worked All Britain founder John Morris G3ABG has been reissued to W.A.B. by kind permission of John's sons Brian G3VBG and Geoffrey. W.A.B. club callsigns can be booked for use by full UK licence holders who are members of W.A.B.

At the recent W.A.B. committee meeting, the subject of trying to be more environmentally friendly was discussed. We encourage you to think about this yourselves, and one way of helping is to consider receiving your award claims in PDF format, rather than as a printed certificate. Doing so has a double impact - it helps save resources, and possibly better still - it saves you money!

We are looking for volunteers to join the committee and help run W.A.B. You don't have to be licensed - SWLs would be most welcome. New ideas are always required. If you would like to find out more, please contact the Secretary. See the Committee page for contact details

W.A.B. Q.S.L. card stocks are being sold off at half price. See the Price List for details (sorry - due to high postal charges, this offer is U.K. only).

It has been decided that award entries for Data Modes will have the same requirements as VHF/UHF entries.


We have just received a new batch of W.A.B. Pens, in a nice golden colour. Ideal for writing up your claim for W.A.B.'s 50th Anniversary awards! Available at our rally stands, but due to postage costs, they are only available by post if ordering with a W.A.B. Log Book.

A query has been raised about the status of Spurn Head as an island, as due to erosion, it is surrounded at high tide by the sea. The W.A.B. definition of an island states that it must be named, or be part of a named group, on a 1:50,000 Ordnance Survey map (see W.A.B. Definitions). As this is not the case yet, it is not currently being accepted as an Island. This will be kept under review when new editions of the 1:50,000 O.S. map involved is available.

This is a quick way to report current W.A.B. activity without the need to sign up to any social media. It is written by Steve Richards G4HPE and hosted by Google but you do not need a Google account nor any passwords. It's ready to use the moment you go to Anything entered on this page will be instantly seen by everyone connected to it. It is recommended that you download the WAB REPORTER QUICK GUIDE which can be found in the file section of the WAB IO Groups resource.

National VHF SSB Activity Periods will run on Mondays 2000-2200, Wednesdays 1000-1200 and Fridays 2000-2200 (all clock time). These are activity periods, not contests, with the idea of promoting friendly contacts and having a chat, rather than the frenetic contest formats. They will provide an ideal opportunity to work W.A.B. squares, spread the word about W.A.B., and maybe assist stations to work out their square if they don't know it.

Talks on Worked All Britain do not have to be given by W.A.B. Committee Members. If you would be prepared to give a talk to your radio club (or a nearby one), we can provide a Powerpoint presentation plus supporting leaflets etc. Please contact the Secretary (see the Committee page) for more details.

Our previous supplier of Polo shirts, Sweatshirts is no longer trading, so we have sourced an alternative supplier. T-shirts, Polo shirts, Sweatshirts & Hoodies are available direct from the supplier Salix Embroidery & Graphics. See the Merchandising page for more details & pictures.

Award Pricing: We apologise for the high costs of Awards for stations outside the UK, but our postal service has decided to classify a single certificate as a parcel! However a pdf version is available to anyone for only £1 or €2/$2. You may then print the certificate yourself. Payment for this method can only be accepted in Sterling coin or via PayPal. Non-UK coins cannot be accepted.
For the printed certificate we accept Sterling, Euro or US Dollar currency or a sterling cheque drawn on a UK bank.
Book/USB Key Pricing: We have managed to absorb the last 4 postal increases, but we may have to increase the cost of the W.A.B. Book/USB Key package at the next postage price rise

Due to county boundaries no longer being shown on Ordnance Survey 1:50000 maps, and varying definitions of what constitutes a 'county' since Government administrative boundary changes some years ago, the W.A.B. Counties Award is no longer considered a practicable proposition.

A PayPal "donate" button has been added to each page of the web site. This was not the original intention of it, but it's very suitable to use in claiming awards without leaving home.
Firstly - email your claim to the Awards Manager (see Committee page), secondly - hit the "Donate" button and submit the amount relevant to your claim.


W.A.B. have produced enamel badges with the W.A.B. round logo in either Dark Blue or Magenta. See the Price List for your location.
(Please Note: Due to the reflective nature of the badges, they are difficult to photograph to get a true representation)

W.A.B. Logo

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Designed by FireLine Software --- Webmaster Kevin Hale G0AKH
Copyright © The Worked All Britain Awards Group 2024