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Lundy Island Activation SS14

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2015 9:16 am
by 2e0wmg
2E0WMG/P Lundy Island EU-120 WAB SS14

Between 4th and 7th April 2015 I will be visiting Lundy Island for my fifth time, staying in the most remote property on the island some 1¾ miles from the nearest other buildings. I will be active on all bands 160m to 10m SSB.
My home for three nights is Tibbetts, which was built by the Admiralty in 1909 as a signal and watch station and used as such until 1926

I will be using half wave dipoles for 160m, 80m and 40m and a W3FF Buddipole for all bands 20m to 10m, the Buddipole may also be used for 2m FM & SSB as well as 6m SSB where I can convert it into a 2 element beam.

Tibbetts has no electricity so I am dependent on battery power, hence operating times will be limited and quite casual depending on mood and weather. I will likely spend as much time playing about with my antennas as operating, but I will try and follow the schedule below, outside of these times I may pop up anywhere.

All times are UK clock times (BST). UTC is one hour earlier.

73 Kevan 2E0WMG

Sunday 5th March
7.155MHz LSB at 1900
3.685MHz LSB at 2000
1.850MHz LSB at 2100

Monday 6th March
3.685MHz LSB at 2000